
Hack The Box - Investigation [Medium]

This box consist of several vulnerabilities:

  • Command Injection - Used a vulnerability in exiftool that allowed me to run arbitrary code.
  • Leaked Credentials - Then we found the .msg file which contained an event logs from a Windows machine where we found the credentials for user smorton. I wasted a lot of time an effort to figure that one out, so don’t be discouraged when you can’t find it in the first 5 mins.
  • Sudo commands - We then found the mysterious /usr/bin/binary file that we could use sudo with and that led us to analyze it further where we found that it accepts 2 arguments, and it downloads a file, saves it with a specific name and runs it using perl.


  • https://blog.convisoappsec.com/en/a-case-study-on-cve-2021-22204-exiftool-rce/
  • https://gist.github.com/ert-plus/1414276e4cb5d56dd431c2f0429e4429